Additional resources to help answer the most common Land Surveying questions
Privacy Walls and City of Calgary Compliance
Don’t let a Privacy Wall, or lack there of keep you from receiving a compliance stamp. Can a small, seemingly insignificant object such as a privacy wall, or lack there of keep you from receiving a compliance stamp on [...]
When Do You Need an RPR?
A Real Property Report, or RPR for short, is a legal document consisting of a survey of a property and structures relative to the property’s boundaries drafted by a professional land surveying company. It also shows other details such as [...]
Fences, To Build or Not to Build
Fences, To Build or Not to Build Fences and retaining walls are an essential part of property boundaries, security, and aesthetic appeal in any community. Understanding the whereabouts of your property lines before you build can save you a lot [...]
How is an RPR created?
Have you ever wondered what takes place behind the scenes to create a Real Property Report? If so, keep reading, we have outlined a few of those steps to help you along the way. Step 1 A homeowner orders [...]
Land Surveying is Ancient History!
Egypt and the early days Based on records at hand, historians believe that early precision land surveying originated in Egypt. Their skill in this area is manifested in one of the worlds most famous monuments, the Great Pyramid of Giza. [...]
RPR updates
RPR’s & Updates There can be a bit of confusion regarding if it's best to update your existing Real Property Report or complete an entirely new one. We hope to clear up any misunderstanding with this article. What is [...]
Calgary RPR Bylaws
City of Calgary Bylaws for Real Property Reports The City of Calgary uses the most current Land Use Bylaws when reviewing Real Property Reports for a Compliance Stamp. If the RPR under review does not meet the current Land Use [...]
Alberta Land Surveyors
Alberta is a Canadian province with a population of about four million, according to the census conducted in 2016. The province is ranked fourth in terms of population of provinces in Canada. An area of approximately 660,000-kilometer square provides a [...]
Real Property Reports for Condominiums
Real Property Reports for Condominiums When do I need a Real Property Report for my Condo? There are essentially two types of condominiums defined in the Condominium Property Act. The first type is a Conventional Condo: This is [...]
Certificate of Compliance
Certificate of Compliance, what is it? Gaining a Certificate of Compliance for your Real Property Report is an essential step to selling your home. It is confirmation that the developed property in question meets the regulations of the Land [...]
Air Conditioning Units & Window Wells
Air Conditioning Units and Window Wells We get a lot of questions concerning Air Conditioning units and Window Well setbacks within the City of Calgary, so we thought we would write a blog post to help answer your questions. [...]
What is a Real Property Report?
A Real Property Report (RPR) is a legal document that clearly illustrates the position of the building in relation to the property lines and municipal Bylaws. It takes on the form of a plan or illustration of the various physical features [...]
How do I order a Real Property Report (RPR) with Arc Surveys?
Here is a simple step-by step guide on how to order a Real Property Report with Arc Surveys. Find out more about Real Property Reports. Call us at 403-277-1272 or fill out the RPR quote form on our website. [...]
Infill & Home Construction Survey
8 important steps for your next Infill Construction Project Any infill construction project in Calgary requires a number of construction surveys throughout the building process. Whether you are building a single house, a semi-detached (duplex), a condo building, or a [...]