The City of Calgary has specific requirements when it comes to building a deck on your property. In this blog, we outline in detail the process and importance of obtaining a Deck Permit from the City of Calgary.

City of Calgary Deck Permits

The city of Calgary requires all decks built or renovated to comply with the City of Calgary Building Code. This means that you will need a permit to build or renovate your deck. A permit is not required when you are only replacing existing decks, however, if you are adding onto an existing deck or making any changes that require a building permit, then yes – you will need one.

Where do I begin?

To begin the deck permit process, you will need to contact a land surveyor and a deck contractor. Both are professionals who will help ensure your project is completed in accordance with all safety standards.

Do I need a Real Property Report for a deck permit?

The short answer is: YES. A Real Property Report will be required when applying for a deck permit.

A RPR is considered a map of your property. The information on the survey is used to determine the boundaries of your property, it’s size and location. It provides important information about a specific parcel of land, which can be referenced for many purposes including:

  • Establishing an accurate description or legal description of a piece of land;
  • Identifying adjacent properties;
  • Transferring or selling ownership interests in real estate; and
  • Determining the extent to which development may occur on a particular parcel.

Having a Real Property Report will help ensure that your dream deck is built in a prime location to avoid any future encroachment issues. An RPR will also need to be submitted to the City of Calgary for the official permit reviewal process.

What if I don’t have an RPR?

If you don’t have a Real Property Report, you can hire a land surveyor to complete one. Land surveyors are available to help with the permit process; they can assist with navigating through the requirements and ensure all is done correctly before submitting your application.

How are decks measured?

When you apply for your deck permit, you will be asked to provide the following measurements:

  • The width of the deck (in feet)
  • The length of the deck (in feet)
  • The height of your fence, measured from the top of your fence to the bottom and not including any gates or rails.

Height Limitations

The height of the deck is determined by the distance from the ground to the lowest point of the deck. The maximum height for a single-level structure is 1.54 metres (4’11”).

To ensure that people can safely exit your home in an emergency, you must also consider access points and egress through windows on both sides of your house if needed.

Placement Limitations

It is also good to review the current bylaws surrounding the placement of the deck on your property.

Key things to remember when building a deck is that they must maintain:

  • a 6 metre distance from the rear setback
  • a 1.2 metre distance from the side setback
  • and are never allowed in the front yard.

Any RPR’s submitted to the City with a deck that breaches these bylaws may come face to face with a rejection letter.

deck, deck permit, land surveying, RPR


When do I start the application process?

The process of building a deck is not as simple as it may seem. There are many steps to go through, and it’s important that you start the process as soon as you plan on having your deck built. Before beginning this process, talk to your neighbors to see if they have any suggestions or feedback for you. You can also speak with other people who have built decks in the past and ask questions about their experience with the City of Calgary’s Building Division.

  • What are the requirements?
  • What are the steps?
  • How long does it take?

Be prepared well in advance to have your deck built by the time you want.

To ensure that your construction project is complete before the winter season, be prepared to apply for a deck permit well in advance. For example, if your project will begin in November, it’s important to start putting together all of the necessary paperwork and information as early as May.

The City of Calgary will not issue permits until you have submitted all required documents and obtained their approval.

And finally…

Plan ahead, hire a professional and start way in advance. The last thing you want is to be stopped by the City of Calgary when your close to completion or after completion.

Deck permit, permit approval, City of Calgary, RPR, Land Surveying, Bylaws


Arc Surveys

Have any further questions about the Deck Permit process with the City of Calgary? Give us a call (403-277-1272) or drop us an email at We’ll help you get a better understanding on how to get the best information towards completing your next survey project.